We fund preventive research into meningitis, sepsis & other associated diseases
The driving force behind Spencer Dayman Meningitis Research is families and communities who have been affected by meningitis, sepsis and other associated diseases. Research is the key to eradicate all forms of the disease. Your support ensures our vital work continues.

We’re here if you need support
Meeting someone with first-hand knowledge of how devastating these diseases are can be helpful for those who need support through their initial grief and trauma.
Our founder Steve Dayman who lost his son Spencer from bacterial meningitis and sepsis in 1982 is here to offer his support and guidance to families who are experiencing the same loss for as long as it’s needed.

The Research Goes On
Spencer Dayman Research Laboratories
The Spencer Dayman Meningitis Laboratories at the University of Bristol were established in 2002 at a cost of three quarters of a million pounds. With a generous kick-start donation from the Almondsbury based charity The Starfish Trust. Families throughout the UK who had experienced the devastation that meningitis and sepsis causes, rallied successfully to raise the balance of the funds required to complete this unique and much valued facility.
Researchers at the laboratories are focused on diverse aspects of science aimed at eradicating the devastating diseases meningitis and related diseases such as sepsis. They focus on research to understand how the bacteria are transmitted, how they interact with other cells and tissues at the molecular level to cause disease.
The researchers also investigate how vaccines in current use impact bacterial carriage and disease. Both common and rare causes of meningitis and sepsis are investigated, identifying new data to aid the fight against these diseases.

We couldn’t do it without
your continued support
These 2 plaques in the hallway of the laboratories list the names of loved ones lost to meningitis, sepsis and other related infections. Their families helped raise the funds to establish this state of the art facility.
Research is the key to eradicate all forms of the disease and your support ensures our vital work continues.

News and Stories
Let us know if you’re considering organising an event.

Denis Law
We were saddened to hear the news of our dear friend former Scottish international and Manchester United footballer Denis Law who died on Friday …
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Fundraising Event
Beach Boys Tribute Night in Memory of George Zographou raises £2200.
Beach Boys Tribute Night in memory of George Zographou
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Thoughts from Steve Dayman’s daughter Michelle as Sonny receives his Meningitis B&C booster jabs.
My little brother Spencer has left such a wonderful legacy, there is still lots of work to be done in the development of vaccines, …
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The Research Goes On
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